Heroe Tomb
This is an important area which is located inside the city walls, which was used as a cemetery during the years of siege (1822-1826).
The grounds are densely planted, dotted with monuments, erected at times, dedicated to a prominent military and political figures of the era, Greeks and philhellenes.
Distinguish the Tomb of Heroes, a central monument, inaugurated in 1838 and in which were placed the relics of the fighters, the monument of Marcus Botsari, the marble statue of the English Philhellene and poet Lord Byron, the monument of the Swiss Philhellene John - James Mayer, publisher of the newspaper "Greek Chronicles", the beautiful and original monument of Filellinon, made of stones, broken cannons and balls, the monuments of the French, Finns, Germans, Russians, Swedes, Poles, Italians, Americans and Cypriot fighters. The Heroes Tomb is a national reference symbol and must remain ark National Memorial to remind us of the debt to the homeland and loyalty to the ideals of our race.