Saint Thomas Roman Baths
In a short distance from Mesologi at St. John's position survive a large and imposing complex of public baths of Roman times.
From the bath complex they have identified a large rectangular pool for the cold bath (Frigidarium), coated with hydraulic plaster on the side walls and colored marble slabs on the bottom, a central space with four built-cylindrical tubs (alvei) to lukewarm bath (tepidarium ), the floor of which was also covered with marble slabs, a number of small areas of various shapes formed in a whirlpool for hot bath (Caldarium), hypocausts (hypocausta) and praefurnia (spaces, wherein heated water). Another room is synonymous with changing room (apodyterium) and another with sudatorium, room where the sweating became. The power of the bath with water were two major builders of rectangular tanks.
The monument was probably built in the 2nd century. A.D. and destroyed by a powerful earthquake in 551 AD Later used as a Christian cemetery.